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Best Ways To Compare Car Insurance

Comparing car insurance companies is easy, once you know what to look for.
Car insurance companies evaluate and appeal to different drivers. For instance, some companies specialize in families, others in older drivers and some in drivers with tarnished driving records. So comparing car insurance companies is just as important as comparing car Insurance Quotes. 
By doing your Investigation, you can save hundreds of dollars by comparing car insurance companies and rates. And that's easy with's quote comparison tool. 
Our guide will teach you comparison by let's you see side-by-side car insurance rates:
·         By completing one form, you will remove the hassle of filling out multiple forms from various carriers.
·         You will see multiple quotes from major insurance companies all on one page that will allow you to compare rates and make an educated choice.

1. Research the Car Insurance Company Consumer *( Track Record)*
  To narrow down your search among car insurance companies. Narrow your search choose 8 companies that is well known them 5 companies that is local in your state, why choose that. Is because by taking 8 companies comparing the rates you will see how much is the difference you will have. Then the other 5 there will have other features with that company that the other don’t have. For an overall rating of company performance, including complaint ratios and financial ratings (A.M. Best), "Best insurance companies" will give you a great summary of top companies.
People will says state complaint ratios are more important than financial ratings for car insurance. Every state has an insurance guaranty fund that will pay some claims if the insurance company goes bust. It's still prudent, though, to check up on the insurer's financial health.
"However, if you're only shopping every few years, then you should look at the A.M. Best ratings just to make sure the insurance company is financially solvent and can pay you if you need to make a claim.
"The two most important things to look at when choosing an auto insurance company are the price and the claims service.  "Choose the company that has both a low level of customer complaints and low prices."
2. Comparing Complaints Ratio 
I would suggests choosing five to seven companies and checking their complaint records on the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's (NAIC) website or on your state’s insurance department website. "You can quickly knock out the companies with the highest number of complaints, because you never want to work with an insurance company that doesn't offer good customer service.
To access this information, go to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Consumer Information Source. The site shows reports of insurer’s national complaint statistics. Enter the company name and type of insurance in the search box and you'll see a list of reports.
You can find complaint ratio reports that show the ratio of the company's U.S. market share of closed complaints compared to the company's market share of premiums. Having this link will make your process faster larger insurance companies from being unfairly graded for having more complaints simply due to customer size. Compare the company's complaint ratio number with the national median provided. You can also review the complaint trend report to see whether the company's complaints have been increasing or decreasing over time.
As of late June, auto insurance complaints accounted for 29 percent of those investigated by state insurance departments, ranking second behind accident and health with 47 percent, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. When comparing car insurance companies, check to be sure ones you’re considering do not have lots of complaints in these areas. 
Also recommends checking the most recent Consumer Reports survey of car insurance providers.

3. Compare the Exact Same Coverage When Comparing Car Insurance 

The best way to save on your car insurance is to buy only what you need. Don’t let them convince you what you need. If you have good health insurance you don't need to pay extra for Personal Injury Protection (known as PIP) and if you have an older car, you don't always need to pay for collision insurance.  
Most people only need liability coverage and uninsured motorist coverage of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence. You should establish your desired coverage limits before shopping and then be sure to use those same limits for every car insurance quote.
4. Check For Car Insurance Discounts

Before you begin comparing car insurance quotes, make sure you know about your potential car insurance discounts. for things like building home and auto insurance with the same company, good grades, a good driving record, anti-theft devices and anti-lock brakes. Ask each insurance company for any other possible discounts so that you are comparing the lowest possible rates.
You can also raise your car insurance deductible car on collision and comprehensive coverage to reduce your premiums. If you do this, make sure you are using the same deductible with each company so that your rate comparison is accurate.

5. Compare Optional Auto Insurance Coverage 
Many insurance companies offer optional coverage for things like rental car coverage while your car is being repaired, towing and labor coverage or even CD/DVD replacement costs if these items are stolen from your car.
Don't take any optional insurance coverage unless you really think you need it.
However, if one company offers optional coverage that you want at the same price or close to the price of another company's insurance policy without the optional extras, it may be worth choosing the policy with the options.
